Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Rejects and Machines

There is an update that allows a machine to be linked to a department. 

You need to be logged in as Admin user and go into the module to book a reject.
There is a machine icon next to the department.

 Select a department and then click this and the list of machines is shown. 

Tick those that you want to link to the department.

If you want to have a list of departments and reasons in Excel then click on the spreadsheet icon next to the reasons list and this will create a CSV file for review.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Start up Action and Essibox connection

Start up Action.

It is possible to get Annapurna to run a command file whenever it is started. This can be useful to make network connections to Essibox or similar. This will be used for making an Essibox connection.

Connecting Essibox into Annapurna

We need to be able to access Essibox over the network.  
One way is when Annapurna is started to make a connection.

This is achieved by making a batch file called Annapurnabatch.bat 
with the following instruction.

net use \\essibox_server /USER:essibox ""

Do check that the essibox server PC is called essibox_server and if it is not
then change as appropriate.

In the settings / folders

If you want to trace in Essibox and then bring the traces into Annapurna:
Put the traces as \\essibox_server\PMS_OUT

In order for Essibox to get the results from Annapurna
Put VCAGlazer / Folder for glazing files as \\essibox_server\PMS_IN

Amendment - 25.09.13
An alternative batch file which maps both in an out folders and stops if there is a problem.

echo off
set ESSIBOXUSER=essibox
echo "Connect to Essibox"
net use y: /d

if errorlevel 1 pause

net use r: /d

if errorlevel 1 pause

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Different prices for Glazing and other extras on External lenses

Large Searches in Browser

It is often frustrating to make a search which then takes a long time so a couple of changes have been applied.

If a date range has not been specified then a default date range is applied for the last few weeks - the date range can be amended subsequently to expand the search if needed.

If a large search over 5000 records has been detected then a message is shown to indicate that a large search is underway. If you wish to proceed then the estimated date calculation is turned off as this also shows the response time.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Different target times for lenses

Annapurna calculates a target date for an prescription order based on the number of working days that a lens will take and then adding on standard timings for the treatments and other processing.  This is all set in the "Targets" section of the Production menu panel.

Currently the software applies general rules according to whether it is stock or surfaced or buy-in. Sometimes, you may wish to apply different rules.

This update allows the standard value to be overwritten by a value specific for the lens by filling in the box on the lenses data screen. Here, you enter the number of working days for example 2.5 means two and a half working days.  If the field is set to blank then the standard values are used when making the calculation.

The value can be also be added as an additional column in the CSV file if so wished.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Sending Rx Orders - checking the details

In order to make checking of the order easier before the order has been sent then the following updates have been made.

Lens description has been moved - long descriptions were running into each other and typically corridor lengths are the last item and were being lost.

PD, Heights and frame type are shown along the bottom.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Returns Report - Analysis by Order Type

An additional analysis has been added into the Returns report.
This is an analysis by Order type so it is possible so assess the percentage of returns by Remote Edge etc.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

New tracking sections

The tracking sections have been extended:

Customer Services, Out of Stock lenses and Out of Stock frame have been added.

When a job is amended, it is now recorded as going into Customer Services so that Entered is reserved for when jobs are actually first entered.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Clearing Traces after Job has been completed

When traces are assigned to tray there is a risk that the previous trace for the tray can be assigned by mistake to a new job. This is because the trace is retained under the tray number until a new trace is linked to that tray. If the trace has not been made then job entry will pick up the existing (erroneous) trace linked to the tray.

It is now possible to make a setting so that the trace file is deleted when the job is completed.

Settings has been updated - Complete / Remove Traces.

If this is ticked then the trace file is deleted at the time of the completion of the order.

Monday, 12 August 2013

Postage at Job Entry

Up to now Annapurna has calculated postage at the despatch point.

Existing Labman users were used to postage being calculated per job at order entry. So a new postage type has been added into Annapurna - postage at entry.  This calculates a postage according to customer postage rules at job entry so in practice this moves the postage calculation from job despatch to job entry.

This is particularly useful where payment is taken in advance.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

External Trace files

For some time, we have included a Silhouette library within the Solenzara program but we have not enabled this within Annapurna.

This oversight has now been corrected.

On the Kathmandu screen (catalogue importer) there is now an option to import trace library. 
We are looking to expand the list of manufacturers on this list so any suggestions how this can be done or if there are known links to other catalogues then we will be pleased to follow this up.

Please note the trace library is supplied in good faith but we are not responsible for the accuracy of the contents.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Annapurna - Browsing Jobs - different colours for the expected date

In order to make it easier to understand how the source of the estimated despatch date that is shown then a colour coding has been adopted.

Cancelled Jobs - Ruby
Jobs that have exceeded the target - Plum
Jobs that are on Target - Pale Blue
Completed - Slate
Have a Wanted date today or in the future - Lime

Monday, 5 August 2013

Kalahari - Message for the lens.

It can often be that there is a wish to put a message on the job ticket for a particular lens eg  check the sag or special blocking for round segs. This can now be done by a  new feature which allows a message to be printed for a lens on the job ticket. In the lens updating screen there is now a field to enter up to a 50 character message and in the layout (you may need to choose the option to get the latest) designer then you can set the position of the message for the right and left lenses.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Own coatings on branded lenses.

This is just a reminder of an existing feature since we sometimes get asked on how this is done.

If you have external catalogues from Essilor, Hoya etc and wish to add your own coatings onto these lenses then this is done by going into Annapurna / Settings / Defaults.

There are 4 options for AR coat, Hard Coat, Tint, UV.

You put into each one the default family for each type eg MAR for AR, HC for Hardcoat, TINT for tint, UV for UV.

In the treatment CSV file, you need to make sure the own treatments are also connected to the default family.

You should also change any entry in the lenses CSV file that have 1 (meaning default) in the AR, Hard, Tint and UV family to the default as otherwise these lenses will now no longer pick up the default family as the default family has now changed.

Now deploy and restart.  The branded lenses should now have the default treatments available also and the generic lenses should still have the default treatments also.