Friday, 30 May 2014

Screen resizing

Annapurna now remembers screen sizes as you resize on the screen. However, on some systems where font sizes are changed, external displays are added, it can become troublesome and can cause screens to become garbled. A new option has been added to the bottom right of the opening menu panel to reset the screen layouts.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Santiago - Scheduling tasks to go.


There has come an increasing need for running programs at scheduled times for example for sales extraction overnight, for uploading tracking to the web site, for downloading EDI orders.

Although Windows has task scheduler, it becomes problematic to maintain this on servers because of all the security restrictions hence a new program Santiago has been written.

When launched, it will by default load in the common tasks and you can add or schedule as required.

The program is available for download from the downloads folder.

At the same time, Annapurnatrk has been deprecated and replaced with three new programs to do its functions. These can all be scheduled to run independently and at different time intervals within Santiago.

VcaTracking – This processes the tracking files created from vcaDevice program.
AnnapurnaEmail – This sends a daily status email to selected customers.
UploadTracking – This uploads the tracking to Solenzara.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Cut Edge & Fit (CEF).

Cut Edge & Fit (CEF).

Annapurna has an order type for CEF. If this is selected then the lens and frame are not charged but the glazing is. The glazing can be set to a different price. This is done in one of two ways by making an entry in the settings editor under prices.

Setting a special CEF pricelist.
If this is set then the price is taken for the glazing from this pricelist. This will apply to all customers. If there is a need to have different CEF prices for different customers then you need to use the prefix option.

CEF Prefix.
You enter a prefix here eg CF-. The prices for the CF-xx where xx is the glazing code are then entered. You can enter different prices under different pricelists.

The software will look first for a CEF Prefix. If that is not present then it will use the CEF Pricelist. If that is not present the standard pricelist is used.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Cancelled Date

When a job is cancelled, the date of cancellation is recorded as the completion date.  This is so that reports for the jobs in and out will tally up.


Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Kathmandu Lens Suppliers with multiple price lists

It was originally conceived that the Solenzara web catalogues would only have the standard list price.  However it has become apparent that there are some advantages to having multiple price lists on the web site that the Kathmandu catalogue can download and deliver into Annapurna.

For example, it is good to have a lab price list and an optician price list. 

In the Kathmandu importer, the software will look to see if there are multiple pricelists specified in the web pricing data.  If there are then a screen will pop-up with the Kathmandu pricelists and the Annapurna pricelists. 

The Kathmandu pricelist and the matching Annapurna pricelist are selected and the Process button is pressed. This will then import that pricelist. It is not recommended that multipliers are used as the same multiplier will be used on all pricelists imported in this way.  When the prices have been imported then you are returned to the selection of the Kathmandu and Annapurna pricelist for the next selection of prices to import. If there are no more prices to be matched then press the Close button.


Viewing Order from Completing Orders Screen.

In V2.62, you can now click on the Job number in the top right hand screen to view the full job details and also to make any updates such as recording a comment or changing a status.