Saturday, 28 February 2015

Restricting customers to use certain packages.

This update allows a customer to be directed to use certain packages.

Previously, All packages were available to all.  Packages were checked in order until one that passed was found.

There is a proviso that a package can contain a restriction allowing only certain customer to use that package.

The problem with this approach is that is does not stop a customer from using an inappropriate package if that package is in the list first.

This update adds a list of permitted packages which is in the customer pricelists screen. 

When a package is being checked then it is checked against the list of packages allocated to that customer.  Only if it is in that list (or no packages are allocated to the customer - the default) then the package is processed further. The default is to allow all packages to be available for the customer.

So,  if a package is only available to a certain customer(s) then in the package, the customer(s) should be recorded in the package details and the package added in the customer record.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Viewing Invoices for a Customer

There is a new feature to show the invoices for a selected customer.

In settings, tick Customer / View Invoice.

A new tab will appear in the invoice screen.

On the first pass,  select Create Invoice Records.  This will scan the invoice files to collect into the customer area.

Once this is done then a customer can be selected and invoices viewed by PDF or printed.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Customer Messages

There is an update to allow messages to be recorded on the customer record.

Such messages can be used to record visits, discussions on discounts.

In the top right of the customer record, select Messages.  The following screen is shown. 

 On the first time, Annapurna will update the database.

A list of messages is shown on the left with Date and Subject.  A new message can be added on the right by adding a subject and text.  You can click on Editor to use Wordpad to add text with different font characteristics.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Customer Update - Collection Days

Some independent opticians are not open each day and if postage is being charged on a daily basis rather than by job, it can mean that the optician is charged for delivery on days when they are not open.  

An example.

Suppose, the optician is closed on Wednesday then any jobs completed on Tuesday and Wednesday will be delivered on Thursday.  The optician will be charged for delivery for jobs completed on Tuesday and Wednesday.

In the update,  Tuesday will be unticked as a collection day.  Now, when a job is completed on Tuesday, the operator will be told that the optician does not have a collection on this day and according to the lab procedures put the job to one side for completion tomorrow.