Friday, 27 March 2015

Credit Remaining

Annapurna is not connected to the financial system and as such has no knowledge of payments received and current credit balance.  For some customers, it can be important to keep a control over the credit.  Annapurna has a way to do this.

There are two fields in the customer record under Accounts.

Allow Orders without Credit
Credit Remaining

The "Allow Orders without Credit" being ticked means that the Credit Remaining value is not checked so this is keeps how the program works before the update.

If the "Allow Orders without Credit" is not ticked then the credit remaining value is checked. If the value of the order is greater than the credit remaining value then the order is not permitted.

It is expected that the Credit Remaining value is checked and topped up on a regular basis by the accounts department.

If it is set to £100.00 then a £60.00 order will be accepted. This will reduce the Credit Remaining to £40.00 so another £60.00 order will be refused.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Order Entry Print Screen

Sometimes, it is helpful to have a screen print of the order entry screen.  The windows keys can be used to do this but a quick link has been added for even easier use or on systems where access to programs has been locked down.

In the bottom right there is a print icon.  Click this to get a screen print on the default printer.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Redo and Draft Reasons

When using Redo / Amend an order or saving an order to draft, the same messages are often typed in again and again.

There is now a feature where the messages can be picked from a drop down list.

In order to add the messages to the drop down list, go into the settings and select Redo Reasons or Draft Reasons. A file in notepad will be shown. Enter the reasons with one line per reason.

When set up, then amend an order will show the messages in a drop down list.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Booking In

Annapurna has a drafts facility.  This has been extended to use the drafts as a Booking in facility.

Booking in is the process for when frames are received.  The customer, reference and tray are entered and then saved as a Draft. The draft asks for a reason. If the reason is Book then a print is made and the tray can then be sent for tracing.  the print can be used for QA recording of the tracer.

When the tracing is complete then the draft can then be picked up and completed.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Essilor Voucher report

For those that have the Essilor extract there is now an extra tab for the vouchers which shows customer, voucher code and the lens coatings recorded.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Consider RX

There is a nice new feature which allows lenses to be selected which are possible according to the Rx.

Please see here for further information.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

EDI Orders - Locked to prevent simultaneous processing

When processing EDI orders that are held for a problem, it has been possible for two people to pick up the same order.  Locking has been introduced so that the first person locks the order to prevent other people from processing the order.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Declined Returns

It is now possible to record a return that has been declined to be accepted. This is recorded in the returns table so it is possible to run reports on the declined returns.

 In order to make a distinction in the reports then declined returns are shown as a different category.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Essilor Vouchers

Essilor have provided documentation on how to set up for processing orders with their promotion.

Please click on the link below for the instructions.


