Sunday, 31 May 2015

Monday, 25 May 2015

Packages- Date restriction

Packages can now have a date restriction set. Click on the calendar icon below Specify Customers.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Clearing Completion Date after Uncompleting an Order.

There is now a setting to clear the completion date when a completed order is marked as not completed. 

This makes it easier to understand in customer services but can cause knock-on effects when comparing reports as jobs will have disappeared from the completed list.

Monday, 4 May 2015

Automatic Sending of Rx Purchase Orders from Annapurna

It is now possible to start Annapurna with run time parameter of RAPTORSEND.

This will start Annapurna, go direct to the purchasing screen and for each supplier in the orders to send list, the orders will be transmitted.

Please note that if the supplier is set to have orders confirmed then the confirmation is still needed.
