Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Inhouse Button

There has been some confusion over the Inhouse button so this is to explain the thinking.


The ordering of the lenses can be done via the order entry operator or by the lens ordering department.

If ordering is by the lens ordering department then this note does not apply. 

If a lab is set up for the order entry operator to set the ordering route for the lenses then there are two buttons on order entry.

Place Order

At the end of order entry, "Place Order" adds the order into Annapurna and then takes the operator into the screen to order the lens.

The "Inhouse" button also places the order but does not take the operator into the lens ordering screen. This will be used when there are no lenses to order.

If the lens used are to be taken from the lab's own inventory then the lenses need to be ordered from inventory via the "Place Order" button.

In the Place Order screen, there are 3 options.

Order Rx
Order Finished

Order Rx is to order the lens via the “Raptor” routine.
Order Finished is to order the lens via the Orinoco program.

Inhouse is used if neither of the external ordering routes are required. This will be the route if the operator has  gone into this screen when do not wish to actually order the lenses also. This is also used if a redo on an order is being made and do not wish to order lenses.  The operator should have pressed "InHouse" on the previous screen but having the button here still allows the order to continue without placing an order.

If Inhouse is pressed AND the lens is to be taken from the lab's own finished lens inventory then this will allocate the finished lens. The lens will only be deducted if the option to deduct at entry is selected.

In summary, on this screen.

Order Rx or Order Finished are pressed if the lenses are to be ordered from external supplier.

Inhouse is pressed if no lenses are to be ordered from external supplier and this includes picking finished lens stock from the inhouse inventory.


Thursday, 17 December 2015

2016 Working Day Calendar

A reminder that the working day calendar for 2016 should be set.

Annapurna 312 or later needs to be used for selecting 2016 in the procedure described below.

Setting Working Day Calendar.

This is done by going into Settings / Targets.

On the right hand side there is Working Days.

Select the year from the drop down list.

Enter the dates of any public holidays that are not being worked in the date picker. The list of public holidays is shown below. If a date is entered incorrectly then select the date from the list and click on remove.

There are also two tick boxes to indicate if Saturdays or Sundays are considered in the working day calendar.

When it is set up then press “Make Working Day”.

Bug fixes 312 (to Dec 17th).

The following updates have been made.

2016 working day calendar is added.

Bug fix: handled Unicode strings properly.

Lens thickness:
New feature for specifying finished lens subs for minus powers needed to overwrite any minimum subs set for the material.

Order grabber / Raptor
Fix for access violation on different lenses.
Bug fix on uploading to private supplier.
Remove phrase "No treatment" from the prints.

Order Entry
Added fitting height offset for automatic corridor calculation to give some leeway.
Prevent edge being inserted on minus powers, gives inappropriate edge when sent to supplier.

Frame Inventory 
Fix bug introduced when bin/location was added which stopped levels being entered.

New feature. Can now set individual target days on these.  There is a link to click in the extras prices screen.

MIS report
Bug fix when there was a space in the frame code it treated the frame as a lens.

VCA Glazer
New feature. Frame dimensions panel added and tick box for MEI to turn off pin bevel.

Data tidying.
A further check is added when closing the program to remove old data files.

Supplier selection 
Added in option to request Lens+Tint goes to a different supplier.

Bug fix: If clicked on a date, always set entered even if sent was already ticked.
Bug fix: Jobs sent or entered at midnight were not shown in the date filter.

Bug fix: hide detail lines on a package order if in detail mode.

Report 16 
Glazing mix - added "ordered remoteedging" - based on supplier name.

Lens pick 
Bug fix: Show new quick pick after adding to the quick pick.

Returns report 
Bug fix: tidied up recent update for showing nett / cost.

Sales Extract 
Bug fix: Products were only added to the product database if there were two lines in the pricing. This meant that frames were not transferred.

Add extra check for blank OPC when supplier requires OPC.
Signet is set to have mapping per diameter.
Bug fix for when mapping fails on entry, the correct lens is selected but the failed flag was not cleared.

Friday, 11 December 2015

Tidy up old files

Annapurna will run a batch file Annapurnatidy.bat as part of the back up process.

This can be used for a number of purposes but the most common is to remove old files.

Here is a line in a batch file to delete old ediorder files > 120 days.

forfiles /P l:\files\edi /M *.ediorder  /S /D -120 /C "cmd /c del @path >> l:\files\logs\Annapurnatidy.log"

/P is the path
/M is the mask
/S is to look in subfolders
/D is the number of days
/C is the command to run - in this case delete.

The exact terms to use will depend on the site.

Finished Lens Thickness.

Annapurna makes a guess on the finished lens thickness. This is needed when deciding whether to use a d finished lens or surface/buy-in lens for the order.

The guess may not be accurate for some lenses so to overcome this, a method of specifying the thickness(subs) for the finished lenses has been added.

A new file has been added which will allow the thickness to be set for each diameter. It is a CSV file.

The first column contains the lenscode+diameter.
The remaining columns contain the thickness for the powers as indicated in the title row.

An example file can be downloaded from here: finsubs.csv and placed in the masterdata folder.

The file can be amended from the lens data update screen.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Frame Depth Restriction

Some lenses are not suitable for putting into small frames.

There are currently restrictions on lenses that can be set for minimum height from the bottom and from the top.

There is now an additional restriction to specify that frame depth has to be at least a certain value.  This is set in the lens updating screen or directly in the lenses csv file in the minimum height column.

An entry such as 18:-10:B32  indicates height as to be at least 18 from the bottom, 10 from the top and the frame has to have a depth of 32.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Specifying Supplier in Ranges

The ranges data has been amended so that a supplier can be specified for a range. The Supplier should be as stated in either Orinoco or Solenzara (Rx Purchasing) for reasons as explained below.

For Finished ranges, this will allow a subset of the range to be marked as being held at the lab and the full range as being available from the supplier via Orinoco.  If the supplier is not on Orinoco then set the range as Rx and use the Add to CSV method.

If a supplier is specified then Annapurna will check each range in the sequence.  If a supplier is not specified then Annapurna will check in ascending diameter order. In order to facilitate amending the sequence the data updating program has up / down buttons to move the highlighted diameter/supplier.

At the end of the order, Annapurna will check the ranges, For Validation ranges, if a supplier is specified then this will be used as the proposed supplier of the lens*. If a supplier is not found then the lens sources file is checked.  For Finished ranges, if a supplier is specified then it is proposed to order the lens via that supplier using Orinoco.

* If a lens + glazing type is set in the sources file to indicate then this will take precedence.

Sunday, 6 December 2015

User to view orders only

There is a new View Mode in the Users Options.

If this is ticked then the user is simply allowed to view and browse the orders.

This is useful for "internal tracking" where some members of the organisation wish to monitor progress but are not to have the means to amend anything.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Updating Prices at Completion.

There is now a means where the price entered at completion can be saved as the price in the system.


You must be logged in as an admin user and the setting for this must be ticked in 

Settings / Despatch / Update Pricing Data


When the change prices button is clicked then each of the pricing lines is checked in turn.

If the price is zero then the price is asked to be added to the database.

If the price has been changed then a question is asked "Save price for". If Yes is answered then a price list is selected and the price is saved under this pricelist for the product.

Note that the new price will only apply to new orders. Any work in progress will remain as priced when entered.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Ordering Frames from the Supplier

It has long been possible to set frames as being held in stock and then ordering the frames to replace the inventory.

This does not cover the occasions where a frame is ordered for a particular job.

This can be done now.

First the frame records need to be set up in the frame data and in inventory.

In frame inventory, the frame supplier should be set up and the frames assigned to that supplier.
Frames should be marked as replace as used.

Select the frames by choosing the supplier and clicking the search icon. Click on Select All.

On the reorder tab, select the supplier again and click Construct report.

This will then generate a report which can be saved as a purchase order and then printed.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Cascade for Alternative Heights

It is possible to make Annapurna select an alternative lens when the fitting height is not appropriate.

There is a file in the "files" folder.

It has entries in the form



When SKVA44 is chosen (typically from an EDI order) and the order is rejected for heights then the alternatives are examined . In this case  SKAV42 and SKAV40.

If SKAV42 was passed then the second entry in the file will then use SKAV40 as an alternative.

Bug fixes Nov 2015


Users - Users are sorted into Alphabetical order.

Receive Orders - Added Bulk mode so can simply scan trays to indicate lenses have been received.

Macros - Essilor Virtual Lens - if a virtual lens is selected by the macro selection then it is not priced.

Rx lens purchasing - sending by web service to older sites sometimes did not work so original method is restored.
Rx lens purchasing - If webservice upload but odd lenses then these are not sent via web service but via upload but did this for all subsequent orders so orders sent twice (by WS and PHP).

Status Change - Chain filter is hidden when the rest of the group is hidden.

Trace files - Allow lower case hex files to be imported ie abc.. as well as ABC.. 

EDI - Handle lower case prism direction sent by external EDI.

VCA Tracking - Store MEI Xstatus messages for use in reports on number of pass / fails on MEI.

Shipping - Now includes any declined returns that are to be shipped back.
Shipping - Do not allow invoiced orders to be returned to status shipped on a recreate.
Shipping - Added an interface button to allow electronic version of shipping data to be made.

Reports - Glazing mix - remote edge is now included.

Technical data was not loading correctly when different codes on left and right.

Tracing - VCADevice now reports if there is not a good trace (number of points or sudden jump in the data).

Frame Data - A case can now be set for a frame - further updates to follow to assign case and maintain inventory.

Wholesale - reprint now uses the wholesale layout.

Add Order - Only copy lens from right to left if the add is the same - stops SV balance being copied over.
Add Order - Prevent customer from being changed when processing draft. Need to go into the customer picker to change the customer.
Add Order Lens selection - Retained user tint description passed.
Add Order Corridor calculation - now works for heights entered relative to HCL.

Finished Lens Inventory -  Take into account outstanding purchase orders when working with trigger level.

Invoice - Ignore Postage orders when viewing jobs on an invoice.
Invoice - Added PDF and Email layouts.
Invoice - Allow different bank details for different currencies.

Browse Orders when viewing job data, if copy order was selected then the job data from the original search was lost making the job details disappear.
Browse Orders - Pencil highlight had stopped working.

Orinoco link - WLC have different products according to diameter. WLC mapping is now based on lens + diameter - this will need remapping.

Returns report - Added new tab to show jobs rather than lenses.

Handle exception when sorting dates and a date was not present.
Handle exception when printing and orientation cannot be set.


Allow Drill data to be passed as Right / Left as well as Both - machine configuration.

Added new filter to inform if bad trace (number of points not expected or jump in radii/Z data).


Added Seiko/Epson freeform as a engine


Added configuration for thick supra.