Saturday, 24 December 2016

Excluding certain coatings from tracking check at Completion

Annapurna can be configured at completion to check that orders with coatings and other extras have been tracked through certain sections. For coatings this is the section "Sent for Coating". 

It can be that certain hard coat coatings can be produced internally . If so the codes for the internal codes can be entered into this setting 

 Settings / Despatch / Prevent Despatch if not tracked / Exempt Codes

Codes are separated with |.

Then an order with a coating code in this list will not give the message at completion.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Annapurna 327 and other updates to November 30th.

Deploying Latest Data.
Deploying is not made if a file has not been changed and is written to a temporary file. This solves the occasional problem where other users were picking up the part uploaded file.

Novar freeform design has been added as an external engine.
Bug fix on copying left eye shape to right eye on rimless.

Order Number.
Bug fix to stop dropping back to old order number when there was a database problem when duplicate reference was sneaked through by amend order and then copy order.

Job Management.
Priority order flag added so that this can be picked up in Assign tray.

It is possible to set a default addition now.

There was a problem with Essilor machines using the same channel number for upload / download – fixed.

Bug fix on column sorting on Report 19 – last row is retained as last row,

Purchase Orders.
Detect the occasions where the header was marked as closed but the items were still left as open.
Bug fix on multiple page printing to PDF – only last page was printed.
Option added to send purchase order by Email

Frame Picking.
Bug fix where there are 2 frame codes, 1234 and 12345 then search by 1234 finds both. Code search is prefixed with # to determine exact match.

Port number is correctly picked up from the configuration for SMTP emails.

In EDI configuration, can hold orders (not automatic) where comments have been sent or odd lenses ordered.
Auto filtering rules can now filter out tray needed messages so orders that require a tray can be processed quickly at one work station.

Back Orders.
The details of the items can be viewed.

There is a new setting to allow “recover” on all returns. This will be for returns such as missing tint where tint can be added and returned.

Bug fix: There was some problems where degree and mm measurements were possible on the auto-created macros from SF6.

Dynamic bin location added.

Upload Tracking.
It is now possible to map all Annapurna status to an Online status.
There is a new status of Wait for Sending.

Wait for Sending.
For configuration where the option to select the supplier at the end of order entry is NOT selected then there is a new feature. New orders can be directed to new status of Wait for Sending. The sending to the supplier will pick up all orders in this status and add to the queue.
Sent date on the label is tidied up.

QC Pass operator is included in the database.

Frame Bin
Bug fix – Frame bin on print out was missing if the same frame was used on the next order.

Virtual Lens (Rx needed on both eyes)
A new feature has been added into Technical data to indicate if the lens is a virtual lens. For these lenses the lens supplier requires prescription in both eyes even if only one is supplied.
In Order Entry a virtual link will appear in the lens section. Clicking this will indicate that this is a virtual lens.

Bug fix: Some messages such as Reprint were only appearing on last page.
Production message is now in list of available tags.

It is possible to add notes to the drafts to record actions taken.

Wholesale Orders.
Bug fix: Stop orders being placed with no lines.

Shape Editing.
After switching to one eye editing, If change applied to nasal, temporal, lower, upper then the same change is applied to the other eye.

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Postage on Wholesale Orders

Postage on Wholesale Orders.

Annapurna has been updated to calculate postage on the quantity of items on the order. If a customer is provided with both Rx and Wholesale orders then there may be a need to set up different postal rates.  As Annapurna allows the customer to be linked to a postage scheme then wholesale schemes can be identified by setting a prefix on the scheme. This is for postage per job and postage on entry.

An example.
Customer is currently on postage scheme ST1.  The setting for prefix on Wholesale postage is W.  This will mean that for Wholesale orders the postage value will be calculated from the number of items in scheme WST1 and for Rx orders the postage value will be calculated from the number of items in scheme ST1.

The setting is found Pricing / Postage.

EDI Orders.
There may also be a wish to give reduced postage on EDI orders. This is also implemented by the prefix. 

Note that postage per day is not changed in this update.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Dynamic Bin Allocation for Customers.

It is possible to set up Annapurna via a setting so that numbered bins are allocated to the customers as the jobs are completed during the day.

On the first completion of the day, the customer records are scanned and any numeric bins are reset to 0.  When a job is completed for a customer then then the customer record is checked. If the bin is 0 then the next bin number is allocate and stored in the customer record.  The customer bin number is printed on the delivery note and this will tell the packer where to place the order.

The advantage of this is that there only needs to be the number of bins needed for the number of customers with work sent rather than a bin for all customers.

If there is a wish to keep a static bin for customers with work each day then there are given a non-numeric bin eg A1.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Cloud Backup

In order to use cloud backup such as dropbox, the Annapurna back up files need to be placed into the folder that the cloud service uses for synchronisation.  There is a new setting in Annapurna to specify this folder. If it is set then the backup made by Annapurna will be copied to this folder which in turn will be sent to the cloud.  

If the Annapurna setting for cloud backup is not set then backups will be copied to the folder set in "my documents"\solenzara\annapurna_backup\_location.txt

Please note that this is not a substitute for having a proper server backup made.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Updates 21st October

Kalahari Freeform engine.
Prescriptor is now supported.
Bug fix in 012/025 tool rounding.

Trusted Password option added so that plain password does not need to be sent.

Upload Track.
Bug fix for error message operation not allowed on sorted list.

VCA Device Drill holes.
If end drill point was left blank then saved as 0.

Browse Orders
Customer search can be by external account or match code as well as account number.
Put + as start of customer number to look by external account and / to look by match code.

There is now option for admin users to add same comment to a set of selected orders.

Bug fix for sending email to head office address.

Do not send email on commercial or returns or credits.

EDI Orders
Bug fix on date sorting

Annapurna General
Improved opening speed.

Import Catalogue.
The glazing allowance used by the lens supplier is imported into Annapurna so that diameter calculation will match the supplier.
It is now possible to filter the treatments imported.

Costs on Credits.
This has been reviewed for rx lenses– non-tol credits have negative cost as lens charge can be recovered from the supplier, other credits have zero cost.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Importing from Orinoco catalogue into Annapurna.

It is possible to do this in Annapurna.  Suppose want to import from Younger.

In the import screen, add younger or name of Orinoco supplier in the box at the bottom.

Click + and the supplier is added to the community list. Select the Orinoco supplier from the community list as normal and the catalogue is presented for selection of lenses to import.

If there is a Orinoco and rx catalogue then to distinguish which to load then add as Orinoco-cataloguename  eg Orinoco-WLC

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Updates Oct 6th.

SF6 Importing
Handling of macros is improved.

Bug fix where not all the changes to the fields were logged.
It is not possible to export the address fields as separate columns – setting flag.
A CSV export for Sage can now be produced.

It is not possible to input Prices.csv generated by 3rd parties. Run with run time parameter PRICESCSV.

Cost prices can now support a hierarchy so if there is not a finished cost price then it drops to rx/standard cost price.

Xero interface file added – basic construct so far.

Purchase Orders.
Record and show deliveries against an order. Useful for when multiple deliveries for frames.
Printing will now only print the selected lines.
Bin location added for printing on delivery document.

Order Entry.
Extended PD lab to show manufacturing tolerances.
When a reference was repeated then -ddmm was added to the reference. If the same reference was repeated on the same day on the following year then this gave a problem. This is now handled by creating an additional suffix to the reference as Annapurna requires unique reference. The alternative is to archive orders for earlier years.
Browse Orders.
Added Cancelled filter.

Frame Data management.
New options added for cleaning trace files (if saved from a job then rx data was also being saved) and identify library shapes with HBOX/VBOX differences – probably indicates a poor trace. Also to set/reset the retrace flag.
Supplier Tracking.
Bug fix: If an order went into status traced while the lenses were on order (can happen if the send in frame is sent in) then tracking from the supplier was no longer updated as Annapurna deemed the order/lenses had been received and the order was in production.

Lens Ordering.
It is now possible to add SURF as the rx supplier to indicate that the supplier for a lens in this range is InHouse Surfacing department. So a lens can progress from In House Stock, Buyin Stock, In House Surfaced, Buy in lens according to the range rules.

OC Height.
Different optical machine manufacturers have different interpretations on OCHT and SEGHT for progressive lenses. An option was added so that different values can be provided in the files placed in the glazing folder and the external(checking) folder.

Assign Tray.
Can now produce a file for conveyor controlling.

When sending an email then the logged in user can be entered in the email.

Essilor Report
Customer name is added to the voucher report.

Report 19.
Shows current status for live orders.

Report 24.
Added to show basic information on number of orders in/out, sales by customer and old orders.

Repeating bar codes in barcode entry are consolidated into one line on the Orinoco order.

Minimum tray length implemented on the frame type pop-up at the end of tracing. Tess traces drop leading zeros.
A check on the qualiry of the Z data added to go with a check on quality of radii data.
When there are multiple traces and tracer sends unknown job number then there was some uncertainty over which trace went with which tracer. The unknown traces are now identified by the tracer id.

Validator Web Service.
Validation can now be set to make a jpeg file to show where lens does not cut out. Add MAKEJPEGS=1 to the input file.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Annapurna 323

The following changes are in Annapurna 323 and other programs.


New status added – Wait for next delivery when job is completed but there is no collection for that customer on the completion date.

New status added – Failed at Supplier for when there is a problem processing order at supplier.

Annapurna can now report status changes as they happen to an external program.

Main Menu

Purchase order management added to the main purchasing screen as well as call from inventory screens.


Bug fix: Do not send email for failed orders if email option is not ticked. It was sending if there was an email address.

There is now a test account facility when Downloading EDI orders to allow orders to be placed into a separate folder.


When sending email to the customer, theuser is included in the comments in the email can be attributed.

View Job
There is now an info icon to show semi-finished used on the order. This is for cases when job is returned and want to either match or investigate.

Assign Tray

Bug fix – handle case where bad tray is scanned and job number is entered as tray also.


Option defaults to No.


Bug fix: Release tray on reject correctly implemented.


A new configuration form has been developed, current still called from the Invoice program but will be moved to layout setting menu later.

Lens Data

New fields added for OMA tags
Also OC above Segment added.

There was an improvement in speed for loading data, there was a bug in that a random line was being hidden from the available data- this is now fixed.

Purchase Order.

An email for the PO can now be sent.

CSV Extract

Bug fix – exception error caused by trying to read non-existent pen properties when creating CSV.


Bug fix:If lines per page was blank or zero then nothing printed.

Job Entry.

New setting so that PD in tenths is allowed, matches Solenzara setting.


Minimum tray length specified.
Can be run with Login parameter which asked for user and User is passed to Annapurna tracking via updated VCATracking program.

OMA files.

There is a new setting to save OMA files into the database, the OMA files can be viewed and restored if necessary.

Back Orders.

There is a new feature to save wholesale back orders as a type of draft.

Friday, 12 August 2016

New EDI Process - Move to Waiting

If an order is for Send in frame then it is possible to move orders from EDI into a new Waiting queue. This keeps the EDI list down to the orders that can be processed.

There is a new button - move to Waiting on the bottom of the EDI screen and the move  to waiting can be set as an automated action.

The orders in waiting can be viewed in the View Drafts screen and when the frame arrives, the order can be selected here and processed.

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Report 22 - Weekly Performance

A new report has been added to inform of weekly performance against targets.

Information can be found here: Report 22

Friday, 29 July 2016

Library frame but with a specific trace

Problem with library frames using a non-library trace.

Annapurna allows the shape source to be a library frame or a trace file but what if the library trace is not reliable and a trace is added.  Previously the shape source was kept as library frame so it was not clear that a trace has been added.  Now the shape source is changed to trace so it ieasy to see and the trace is selected.  That in turn creates a complication in that it is now difficult to review the library frame without switching back to choosing the library frame. So a frame icon has been added which appears when a library frame is being used but the shape source is not library frame. This will allow the library frame details to be reviewed as well as the shape.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

VCADevice Tracing with Annapurna

If VCADevice is being used with Annapurna, it is now possible to record the user making the tracing into Annapurna.

VCADevice is started with parameter LOGIN. This will prompt for user name and password which is checked against the Annapurna users list.

When VCADevice sends a tracking update to Annapurna, the user name is passed over as well as the machine making the trace.

Friday, 22 July 2016

July Updates (Annapurna 321)

Two new functions added.
Assign Tray – will allow a tray to be assigned to a job if a tray was not entered at order entry.
View Glaze – incorporates the glazing assembly program. This will record jobs onto the assembly bench and advise assembler on relevant facts.
All orders is now restricted to All orders completed in last 7 days to avoid dragging in very old orders.

Report 19 – Product filter now works.
Report 19 – Lens + coating lines now handled correctly.
Report 1 – Inactive customers is now restricted to inactive BUT active in the 3 months before the start of the report.

Order Entry.
Bug fix – Automatic EDI on Wholesale order was stopping on confirm pricing screen.
Bug fix – Wholesale ordering, stock levels was showing whole line in Red(Strawberry) colour rather than the column.
Bug fix – Page numbers and Wanted date now implemented on wholesale page print.
Bug fix – If chose to suppress quantities with zero lines then lines per page went awry.
Bug fix – Default Order type was not always working, sometime went back to Uncut.
Bug fix – If a lens was marked as requiring tinting then it was causing a program eror – fixed.
Speeded up loading the lenses.
Frame picking selection can now sort on columns.
If finished lenses are obtained from outside supplier then the target is taken from the Outsource setting and not the finished setting.
Wholesale Orders – columns can now be sorted, useful for sorting into bin location order.

Frame data now includes Sunglass checkbox.
Deploy Data is now faster.

Bug fix: First column in design prices was disappearing on smaller screens when software was resizing the columns to fit.

There are many weekly folders created for logs and other purposes. In the tidy screen, there is now an option to ZIP the weekly folders over 3 months old.

Added a new discount type, Source Discount, set on packages based on supplier (typically own brand) so do not have to set packages for all lenses. This will then apply a discount for sales.

Compensated Powers screen.
A print button has been added to print the screen.

There is new runtime parameter CLOSEEDI. This will open Annapurna, scan EDI folder, process in Automatic mode and then close. It is intended for launching from Santiago.

Rx Ordering.
If the finished supplier is specified as CSV-xxxxxx then the order is added to the RX queue for the supplier xxxxxx. This is to allow non-Orinoco suppliers to be sent finished orders albeit in the Rx CSV.

Browse Orders
Bug fix: Search by Salesman now working

Sorting on numeric columns made to be in number order.
Font setting improved.

There is a new option to allow over delivery of items ordered to be accepted.
For Under-delivery there is also a new option to close the line to indicate no more items will be delivered.

Glazing Assembly
Added Prism, error messages for uncut, remote edge jobs.
Added Production message.

Added user configure on vca over Ethernet.

MEI Interface.
SWIDTH (Segment Width) is added to the fields maintained in MEI interface file.

Lens Inventory
Bug fix: Allow bin to be reset back to blank.

Frame Inventory.
Bug fix: Sorting on columns is enabled.

Viewing Count transaction shows the original count and value is the change in value of the movement.

View Job
New icons added to allow Guidance and Production messages to be set.
Guidance message is shown in Assign Tray.
Production message is shown in Glazing Assembly.

New button added to clear form.
Filter works on Post code.

Bug fix: Mapping did not always work as the item to be mapped to had to be expanded first. Now, check added to expand the tree to show the item before mapping is applied.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Additional Courier Labels

If you have a local courier then it is also possible to print labels and record orders with that Courier as well as with DX.

To do this,  lets assume that we are going to add courier Local.

In Settings set

Courier Codes to Local

We also need to set a shipping code in the customer record that are going to use the Courier. Select a customer and in the Shipping use the ? to add code LOC and Description Local.  Local can then be selected from the drop down list.  Set other customers to this Shipping when you are ready.

Go into Reports / Courier.

Local will be in the  drop down list. Select this and

Set Shipping group to LOC.
Set Lab ID   eg your name
Set Lab Sender code  eg your account number with the courier.
Set Next Number   eg 1000.

In order for the label print to be made the layout files need to be set up. The easiest will be to use the DX layout and then modify that.

Copy courier_DX.layoutdefs  files in layout_files to courier_loc.layoutdefs
Repeat for courier_DX.layoutfiles to courier_loc.layoutfiles

Replace the loc with first three characters of the courier code set in the first step, so if you are using Royal Mail then ROY.

You can then use the layout manager to selecte this layout and modify as needed.

Friday, 1 July 2016

Shape Edit

Shape Editor.

The shape editing function has been updated.

The changes are

  • Right and Left can be modified independently. If Overall or Circumference change is made then the changes are made to both the right and left shape. Nasal, Temporal, Upper and Lower changes are made to the selected eye.
  • The shape can be rotated if it is felt that the trace is off-axis.
  • For rimless frames, the drill data can be edited.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Glazing Assembly

Glazing Assembly.

There is a new option on the production menu. It is also for recording jobs into Assembly but unlike a simple tracking point, it will show the details including shape for the job and allow a reject to be recorded if necessary. The tray number is simply scanned by barcode reader or entered to show the details. It is also possible to use RFID tag on the bench also.

The display of the job details will also update the tracking to show that the job is now in glazing assembly.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016


Tidy Up.

The tidy function in Settings has been extended for the following.

Cut off for Glazing files.

There is now a date cut off on deleting old OMA files in the glazing folder and external folder. The OMA files deleted have to be older than the current date less the number of days entered AND the job mentioned in the OMA file has been deleted.

There is also an option to stop the process, it can be resumed later.

Weekly Archive.

There is now a process to archive the weekly files.

This will scan all the folders below the files folder. If there is the frame hotel configured then it will scan the folders below the setting “Hotel Messenger”.

Each folder where there is a numeric 6 digit number that is a valid date that is preceded by _. Thus is the format that Annapurna uses to create weekly folders.

A list of relevant folders is shown with a tick box along side. There is a button to Zip the ticked folders. When clicked, the contents of the ticked folders are zipped and the folder renamed to have -zip at the end.

Trace Table.

The trace table holds the traces for the jobs. This can take up a lot of room so for old completed jobs it can improve performance to remove the trace data.

It is recommended that Archiving old orders is used as alternative clearing out the trace table.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Updates for Annapurna (319) and others Jun 1st


Bug fix: Valuation report took a long time and generated database errors. Made faster and reliable.
There is now an option for frames to create ad-hoc purchase orders rather than based on reorder levels.
Bug fix: The Inventory is now updated immediately when a reject is made. This was a problem with Kalahari and Annapurna being used together.
Bug fix: When creating new frame inventory some data was being retained from last frame.
Bug fix: When setting up a new frame the supplier code was shown and not the name.

Add Order.

Bug fix: On EDI orders when a Send in frame with library code, it was showing as Standard Shape 99.
In Amend prices, zero quantity is now allowed so that out of stock items can still be shown on the order even if zero supplied.
Bug fix: Frame selection – it is possible to still select a library frame if not supplied (it is discontinued / deleted flag that is checked). The supplied flag will be checked for supply frame orders.
Frames Cases are now an item in Sundries.
New setting on Wholesale orders to prevent minus stock levels.


Bug fix: Handle pressing Cancel does not delete the draft.

New feature: There is now an option to specify font for lists, tree views, grids and forms by right clicking on the item.

Track Jobs into a section.
There is now a screen to review the daily counts of jobs into a section and by machine / operator.

Sales Analysis
There is a new option to check product descriptions for cases where the description may have changed in Annapurna, this re-aligns the descriptions.

There is a new setting to not record return on credit  when selecting job for credit.

Bug fix: In grid entry then changes made on handling up / down arrow.

SLZLang / Orinoco.
It is now possible to connect OPC codes to other OPC code. So scan OPC code A which is linked to OPC code B so code B is ordered by scanning code A.  This will allow substitution of the product.

Bug fix on calculation of centre subs – some circumstances gave unexpected results when data was not correctly configured.
Bug fix: An Oval is not calculated when working to a diameter.
Bug fix: Allow zero add on degressives where the add is implicit in the lens.

Shape Editor.
There are new options added.
First to rotate shape if the trace is slightly twisted.
The option to edit drill data has been placed in here.
If the shape is changed then drill positions are also changed.

New option added to Show All watched jobs as well as individual user.
Completed jobs are not automatically removed from list during the day, it is now done as part of backup process.

Traceid and Tracefilename tags are interchangeable as used in different places.
When a trace name is passed then trace data is looked in the users trace folder and in the common library folder.
Suggestion Message translation – this now supports wild cards
Bug fix: Handle better when there is missing trace data, messages were misleading.

Reference has been added to Report 19.

View Glaze
Any saved orders passed for processing are cleared on startup as these orders may have moved on to other sections.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Thick Rimless

Thick Rimless

This option has been added to the list of supported additional frame types.
To enable this, go to Settings / Job Entry / Additional Frame Types.
The additional frame types are already in the system but Thick Rimless will only be visible in 315.

The associated glazing code is AT (Labman code for Air Titanium) so any pricing information will be under this code.

Choosing this will set a required thickness of 2.5 at the drill point.

This update applies to both Annapurna and Kalahari.

When an order with this frame type is sent to a lens supplier then the order will be rejected as not a correct type. Such orders need to be reviewed.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Annapurna3 18 and other updates to April 22nd

The following updates have been made

Added Extra sections for Smoothing, Polishing and Engraving

A lens can be marked in the technical data as needing engraving. If so, it cannot be completed without tracking through this section.

Bug fix when importing ranges when existing range is only one diameter and new range has multiple diameters.

Bug fix Amend order, quantity is as on the original order.
Bug fix Amend order, quantity change did not amend quantity issued from inventory
Grid Entry - retain value when clicking on grid.
Bug fix on bin on wholesale order

Upload Tracking
Bug fix to handle references with \ in them

Order Entry.
Hide frames that are not marked as supplied.

Allow blanks to be chosen when MSU is just above blank diameter as happens in Annapurna.

Bug fix: Allow snooker frames when passed by Annapurna.

Bug fix: Prism for decentration was not correct on high index lenses.
Bug fix: Rimless thickness data had been lost on the left eye.

MIS report.
Cost price was unit price.

Logging in
It is now possible to use the Windows password instead of the Annapurna user password - in settings.

Frameusage shows cost.
Frame usage - speeded up.
Only reorder live frames.
Bug fix: The cell editor will remain on the screen when scrolling beyond grid limits.

Report 7
Bug fix on viewing details on elapsed report

Frame Supplier is not lost if an invalid name is loaded from CSV.

Support for MySQL 5.6 added.

Add option to load in references to search for from a file (notebook icon)

Shape Editor.
If different shape, right and left then circumference or expand/shrink applied to both eyes instead of mirroring right.

Polish is changed to a combo box to support Nidek options.
Added Max prism for lab to surface.  Allow extra prism to be blocked.
Fix memory leak

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Annapurna 317 and other bug fixes to Mar 31st.

Only deploy if a file has been modified.
Bug fix where menu screen was not aligned.

Frame power restrictions can now be frame+lens combination.

Allow library frames to be retraced before order entry and new trace picked from the tray trace.

Lens Pricing.
Bug fix: Lens prices - lens + coating combos are shown on the commercial lens prices screen.

Order type filter to exclude send in frame

Frame picking
Can now pick by OPC code

Added Rx and Wholesale lines per page

Wholesale orders
Frame - focus goes to quantity
Rewrote looking up pricing to improve speed on edi wholesale frame orders
Bug fix on cost prices.

Frame Inventory
Added default reorder method
Frame usage report tidied up

Only set polish if cutting lens to shape.

Purchase Ordering.
Bug fix: Size description was being lost in purchase order print.

Email and PDF layouts reviewed and only applied if explicitly requested to do so.

DrillE support added.

Automatic tickbox added so do not need to confirm each order.