Monday, 29 February 2016

Bug fixes and new features to Feb 29th 2016


Order Entry.
Allowance added for finished stock lenses
Frame restrictions by lens and power
Thick rimless added to the additional frame types.
Wholesale Frame CSE files for EDI ordering added. These can be generated by a connected Annapurna site.

Settings Added.
New setting to disallow jobs that have a completed date from having status reset. For genuine actions, the uncomplete oaction needs to be taken.
Added Setting for Always Show Inhouse button
Added new setting in treatment to indicate that tint requires a coating. There has been UV requires a coating in the past.
New setting for Heights to be at PD.
New setting Maptint to allow Lens + Sunglass tint to be switched to pretinted stock lens.
New setting to synchronise frame costs in inventory and commercial sub-systems.
Frame Data - new fields for Brand, Group, Pack Quantity and Case added.

Handle case when range data has been input the wrong way round i.e. Minimum Power > Maximum Power.
If lab is set to use smallest diameter then discard test for subs saving on 65mm.
Clear calculated Optical diameter after placing an order.
Request Corridor on Diameter orders.  It was being deduced from the height on shape orders.
Bug fix on left eye only orders to be ordered in, pressing enter did not always add to the order in queue.
Wholesale orders - Amend a line lost the size description.

Shows Live instead of the Live database name.

Consider Rx screen.
Validation added to the input powers, diameter.

New Tidy form added.
This is initially to remove old glazing files but will be extended.

Lens Price.
Bug fix: Gave Database not connected / SQL errors when loading large number of records.  Underlying loading of data changed.

Cleared frame data when displaying wholesale order. Before the frame data shown was left from the previous order.

Added delivery box for invoice printing.
Add option to view individual invoices for a month.
Filter on buying group was corrected.
Settlement Phrase added to customer record for including in the invoice.
Sage 200 changes for credits and VAT coding

Bug on saving of Delivery Box.
New Settlement phrase added.

View Orders.
Can now complete orders from View Orders.

Report 16.
Quantity totals were doubling

Compensated Powers.
The glazing OMA file was not being correctly updated with compensated powers.
External glazing OMA folder is also updated with compensated powers.

Lens Ordering.
Suppress Local Mapping warning in Automatic mode.

Bug: Lens OPC was being set to "Not Set" rather than being left blank which caused this to be ordered via Orinoco and purchasing.

Online Tracking
If a wanted date is set then it is sent as the estimated date.

VCA Device

Reimplemented Mirror glazing for Ice blocker where blocker wants right eye shape even if left eye only.
DBL has to be input when asked for.

VCA Tracking.
Added check to ensure tray still points to a live order.


Added CORRLEN to OMA results.
Show lens description on freeform screen.
Bug fix so Freeform tags are not duplicated on a redo.
New fields for engraving.
Added feature export All lenses.

Added CopyOMA folder.


Check to see if order has already been loaded from Annapurna.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Setting up Non Hawkstone Community Lens Suppliers.

Sending Orders to Suppliers not in the Hawkstone Community.

There are two options, create a private supplier and then print the orders for that supplier or create a CSV file.

Private Supplier.

A file named private_community.ini is read from “files” folder. If it does not exist then create this using a text editor.

The format is 


Replace Suppliername with the name of the supplier. 

When the option to send orders is started then the Supplier will appear at the end with a * suffix.  The * indicates that it comes from the private list.

When there are orders to be sent, they should be printed and sent to the supplier. Printing can be to a PDF which can then be emailed.

CSV Supplier.

On the configuration page, select CSV Supplier configuration. 

On the next page, enter
Number – Account number with the supplier
Name – Name of the supplier
Format – Select a format, Standard is recommended.
Click Update.

The CSV supplier will now appear in the list of available supplier.  When orders are sent then a CSV file will be created with the data in various columns.

Please note that in both of these formats there is no validation of the orders.


Monday, 15 February 2016

Frame Restrictions on use by lens and power.

There is an existing restriction on which lenses can be connected to a frame.

If a frame is assigned to a frame family and a lens also has a family (set in Remote Edging column) then there is a check to see that the frame family is in the list of lens families.

In 315 there is a new feature so that restrictions can be applied to the usage of a frame.

The restriction can be limit the power, cyl or PD range or to require only flexible materials (Trivex / Polycarbonate). 

There is also the option to request that a specific base request is added to the order.

This is accessed from the Data / Frame.  When selecting a frame there is a link to bring up the restriction data. 

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Using Finished lenses just outside stock range diameter

There is now an option to have some wiggle room for picking finished lenses.

In Settings / Job Entry / Finished Diameter

There is the option

Still use Finished lens if MSU exceeds diameter by

Put in 1 (for 1mm) if you want to use a 70mm lens where a MSU of 71 is calculated.