Monday, 28 March 2016

Printing a Certificate for a order.

It is now possible to print a certificate for quality purposes.  This is in the production menu and there is a certificate layout.  Sample uses may be for safety spectacle documentation to accompany an order but this can be utilised wherever a certificate / other printout is required..

Monday, 21 March 2016

Changing Reject names

It is possible to use the languages to change the names of the reject departments and reasons.

In the file default_shared.lang in the lang_files folder the following can be added.

message_Order_Entry=Enter Jobs

The format has to be

message_Original Name=New Name

Any spaces in Original Name need to be replaced with _ as in Order_Entry above.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Date on uncompleting orders and changing status on completed orders.

There are two recent settings which may be useful for status monitoring.

By default when a job in Annapurna is “uncompleted” the completed date remains. 

There is a new setting to prevent jobs that have been completed from having their status update eg booking a reject to a job after it has been completed. This is in settings / browser.

There is a side-effect that if this is ticked then when a status for a job that has been uncompleted is changed then the status is not recorded.  So it may be best to use the option in settings / browser to clear the completed date when a job is uncompleted.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Automatic Ordering to Supplier

This feature was added a little while ago but a reminder.

A new user is created and on the right there are options for automatic processing.  Tick the Send Orders.

Run Annapurna and log in with the new user credentials.  Annapurna will go straight to ordering and send the orders.

**** It is strongly recommended that this is tested by using the confirm sending in manual mode to leave only a few orders to send and then to use the automatic ordering to send the remaining orders.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

See More Do More

New Essilor Promotion.

It is the same program as for the last promotion..

The only difference is that the FTP site to retrieve the information has changed due to Essilor security restrictions.

So you need to go to the settings page and change to match this.

FTP Host

FTP User

FTP Password


Delete After Download
Ticked (but you can leave unticked for first time which checking configuration)

FTP Folder

Note Capital L and R

The program can be downloaded from here:

Earlier Documentation on last promotion pricing is here: