Friday, 21 October 2016

Updates 21st October

Kalahari Freeform engine.
Prescriptor is now supported.
Bug fix in 012/025 tool rounding.

Trusted Password option added so that plain password does not need to be sent.

Upload Track.
Bug fix for error message operation not allowed on sorted list.

VCA Device Drill holes.
If end drill point was left blank then saved as 0.

Browse Orders
Customer search can be by external account or match code as well as account number.
Put + as start of customer number to look by external account and / to look by match code.

There is now option for admin users to add same comment to a set of selected orders.

Bug fix for sending email to head office address.

Do not send email on commercial or returns or credits.

EDI Orders
Bug fix on date sorting

Annapurna General
Improved opening speed.

Import Catalogue.
The glazing allowance used by the lens supplier is imported into Annapurna so that diameter calculation will match the supplier.
It is now possible to filter the treatments imported.

Costs on Credits.
This has been reviewed for rx lenses– non-tol credits have negative cost as lens charge can be recovered from the supplier, other credits have zero cost.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Importing from Orinoco catalogue into Annapurna.

It is possible to do this in Annapurna.  Suppose want to import from Younger.

In the import screen, add younger or name of Orinoco supplier in the box at the bottom.

Click + and the supplier is added to the community list. Select the Orinoco supplier from the community list as normal and the catalogue is presented for selection of lenses to import.

If there is a Orinoco and rx catalogue then to distinguish which to load then add as Orinoco-cataloguename  eg Orinoco-WLC

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Updates Oct 6th.

SF6 Importing
Handling of macros is improved.

Bug fix where not all the changes to the fields were logged.
It is not possible to export the address fields as separate columns – setting flag.
A CSV export for Sage can now be produced.

It is not possible to input Prices.csv generated by 3rd parties. Run with run time parameter PRICESCSV.

Cost prices can now support a hierarchy so if there is not a finished cost price then it drops to rx/standard cost price.

Xero interface file added – basic construct so far.

Purchase Orders.
Record and show deliveries against an order. Useful for when multiple deliveries for frames.
Printing will now only print the selected lines.
Bin location added for printing on delivery document.

Order Entry.
Extended PD lab to show manufacturing tolerances.
When a reference was repeated then -ddmm was added to the reference. If the same reference was repeated on the same day on the following year then this gave a problem. This is now handled by creating an additional suffix to the reference as Annapurna requires unique reference. The alternative is to archive orders for earlier years.
Browse Orders.
Added Cancelled filter.

Frame Data management.
New options added for cleaning trace files (if saved from a job then rx data was also being saved) and identify library shapes with HBOX/VBOX differences – probably indicates a poor trace. Also to set/reset the retrace flag.
Supplier Tracking.
Bug fix: If an order went into status traced while the lenses were on order (can happen if the send in frame is sent in) then tracking from the supplier was no longer updated as Annapurna deemed the order/lenses had been received and the order was in production.

Lens Ordering.
It is now possible to add SURF as the rx supplier to indicate that the supplier for a lens in this range is InHouse Surfacing department. So a lens can progress from In House Stock, Buyin Stock, In House Surfaced, Buy in lens according to the range rules.

OC Height.
Different optical machine manufacturers have different interpretations on OCHT and SEGHT for progressive lenses. An option was added so that different values can be provided in the files placed in the glazing folder and the external(checking) folder.

Assign Tray.
Can now produce a file for conveyor controlling.

When sending an email then the logged in user can be entered in the email.

Essilor Report
Customer name is added to the voucher report.

Report 19.
Shows current status for live orders.

Report 24.
Added to show basic information on number of orders in/out, sales by customer and old orders.

Repeating bar codes in barcode entry are consolidated into one line on the Orinoco order.

Minimum tray length implemented on the frame type pop-up at the end of tracing. Tess traces drop leading zeros.
A check on the qualiry of the Z data added to go with a check on quality of radii data.
When there are multiple traces and tracer sends unknown job number then there was some uncertainty over which trace went with which tracer. The unknown traces are now identified by the tracer id.

Validator Web Service.
Validation can now be set to make a jpeg file to show where lens does not cut out. Add MAKEJPEGS=1 to the input file.