Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Using Daily Email of Status to Customers.

Using Daily Email of Status to Customers.

There is a program which is automatically included in Santiago Annapurna_email which will email customers a daily status email.  It can be run as a standalone if needed.

To include a customer in this, go to the customer record and in the Group tab, tick Send Email in the second column in the additional options at the bottom. Update the record. The email address also needs to be entered on the Basic tab.

The emails are sent as HTML and there is a HTML template that can be configured.

Go to Settings / Email.  You will need to enter a HTML editor (there are many on the internet) and click on Email Status.  If the template does not exist then you will be asked to download.

You are now ready to run the Annapurna_email program.

It is usually advisable to work on one customer first and set  the email as an internal lab email so the email can be checked before publishing to external customers.

Monday, 10 July 2017


There is a new utility program to show the contents of OMA file. Binary trace data is shown in Ascii form and the shape is drawn.

OMA files are dropped on to the form for showing.

The program can be downloaded from here: omaviewer.exe

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Updates 06.07.17

Second delivery note added – the second copy is printed without prices.
CRM field added for cross reference into exports to CRM.
New customer tick box added and NEW can be included on the print outs.

Freeform Calculation.
If Near PD set on progressive then passed in ERNRIN.
Bug fix: Minimum edge passed to free form designer did not consider specified edge request.
In LMSReader, the Freeform XStatus message now saved for printing under tag _LMS

Trepan diameter only considers plus only.
Bug fix: Assessment of blank edge too thick was based on blank diameter and not shape diameter.
Bug fix: Back curve was not calculated in 1498 to match front curve.

Prevent Annapurna session timeout if only using barcode reader in tracking screen. Annapurna was monitoring keyboard and mouse.

Lab purchasing details are added into Settings and can be included in PO prints. This can be used for contact details for queries and delivery instructions.

CSV Report creator.
Bug fix: Layout reloaded when filter is changed.

Bug fix: Specific Job groove depth from the EDI order was being overwritten by the lab defaults.
MEI: Add Step back / Inclination into fields that can be entered.

Bug fix:Collation sequence now uses MySQL database default collation.

Bug fix: Frame was not being returned into inventory when requested in return.

Order Entry.
Bug fix: If standard shape was selected and then a trace was added, the shape source is now switched to trace file.
Kalahari calculation can be called from estimate screen.

Bug fix for repeat calling at the end of the day (when current time plus interval repeat went past midnight)

There is now a setting for not holding tinted orders in EDI Automatic mode.
Preview mode now shows customer name.

Invoice per job.
Bug fix: Invoice date is set to match the entered completion date.

Lens Ordering.
Where the supplier has requested specific accounts for lab customer then the lab customer can be assigned to a specific account for the supplier. This is used for crediting points by the supplier to the lab customer.

Can now view invoices for the customer from customer screen and invoice for a job from the view job screen