Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Annapurna 340 and other updates.

The following updates are included in latest version.

Send to Purchasing.
Automatic mode will now ignore CEF and Wholesale orders. 

Bug fix on Get compensated powers where lab does not use tray numbers.

On supplier record there is a new tick box to indicate if supplier is included in Automatic.

Lens Data.
In technical there is now a lens production message to show in Glazing.

Frame Data.
There is now an icon to show the shape and glazing information held in connected VCA file.

Saturday, Sunday collection options have been added in the settings  for labs working over the weekend that have collections also over the weekend. This means that labels need to be printed on the weekend.

Financial Credit.
There is a new setting to indicate if credit reason to be recorded in the reject database.

Bug fix:.Jpegs are made on each eye shape. Previously left eye jpeg was mirror of right eye.
There is a new notepad on Results screen to show logging of calculation.

There is a new field Test customer. This will be used to exclude these customers from reports.

Added a 'Not wanted by customer' code.

There is a new setting to allow density to be changed.  If set then only tints with ? in the the description can be altered.

It is now possible to frame target days for supply frames from external sources. This is set in the frame record.

Lens Picking.
It is now possible to set up Exclude CSV to disallow combinations of lens / coatings / tints.

Back Orders.
There is a new setting so that orders that are out of stock are moved to drafts in automatic EDI for review.

Report 19 now has category view for external analysis.
