Monday, 28 December 2020

Storing Send-in frames in a defined bin location


Bin number for Send in frames.

This is a simple way to record a location for the frames that are received and are waiting for lenses to arrive.

In Settings / Job Entry / Frame Actions, tick “Ask for Bin on Send In Frames”.

In Order Entry, when the order is placed a question for the frame bin number is asked. This is usually done by having a set of small tags / barcodes with bin numbers on. One of these is taken from the free list of unused tags and entered. This number is then recorded on the order and can be printed on the layout.

The frame is then taken to the area and placed in the appropriate bin with the tag. The frame bin can also be seen in View Order.

When the lenses arrive, the receive program is used to record the lenses which will also show the frame bin.

The frame is matched to the lenses. The tag can then be returned to the free list or placed in the tray. If there is a glazing reject then the tag can be used to return the frame to the bin. In this case when the order is completed then the tag can be returned to the free list.

Monday, 21 December 2020

Including EORI on delivery notes

There are program updates to include an EORI number in the delivery note.  

More details are here: 

EORI Updates

Saturday, 12 December 2020

Automatic Sending Orders to Supplier

 Sending Orders to the suppler automatically.

Firstly, the 'Include in Auto' in the supplier configuration is ticked. If tracking status is to be obtained then the 'Tracking' is ticked also.

Santiago is used to start a task to send the orders automatically. This is normally done by creating a batch file to do this.


l:\progs\annapurna.exe USER=xxxx PASSWORD=yyyy AUTO

User xxxx needs to be created in Annapurna with Password yyyy. Importantly in the user configuration for xxxx in the “Automatic” section, then 'Send Orders' needs to be ticked. This setting tells Annapurna when the user logs in to start the order sending.

Normal operation is to send orders and then look for status updates. It is possible to change this by starting Annapurna (or amending the batch file) to have

SENDONLY to send orders only

TRACKONLY to read the tracking only.

Some sites will have SENDONLY running every 30 minutes but TRACKONLY set for twice a day. This is done by creating separate Santiago entries.

Friday, 27 November 2020

Privacy on Orders - Employee accounts

 There is a new flag on the customer record which will prevent standard users from viewing the prescription details on an order.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Send an email when 'Watched' orders are completed.

 Orders can be marked as watched when there is a need to follow the progress of the order. Usually this is because there is a dialogue with the customer over the order.  There is now a setting to send an email when these orders have been completed.

More information is here:Email watched

Sunday, 15 November 2020

Restricting Reports by User

 It is now possible to assign reports to a report group. Users can also be assigned to a report group and then the user will only see the report  within their group.

For example a report group can be set for Finance or for Production or Customer Services.

Report Groups are created in a new Groups tab in the Reports menu. This is only available to administration users.  

This will show the available reports down the left hand side .In the middle, a report group can be selected or report groups added, edited or removed. On the right hand side the repots in the selected report group are shown and there are button to add or remove ticked  reports.

In the user configuration, there is an option to select a report group for the user. If it is not set then all reports will still be available.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Temporary Credit Release

 It can happen that it is agred that orders can be released for a customer but it is wished to keep the customer credit status as not to allow orders to be passed automatically. In other words, the customer is being monitored.

It is now possible to add a credit float to allow orders up to a certain value to be released. This is over any credit remaining that is available to the customer.  In addition, a credit release date can be set which will allow orders to be processed until the date set.

This update requires the customer table to be updated which only happens if the setting for database update is made in Annapurna settings / customer.

More information is here: Credit Release

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Automatic Upload of DX Manifest

 It is possible to upload the manifest automatically by running Annapurna with MANIFEST run time parameter.  

This can be set in a batch file and the Santiago program can be used to launch the batch file at a specified time.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Business Area

 A new option for reporting and analysis has been added: Business Area,

This is intended for cases where Annapurna is running over different organisations but can be used to identify customers in different business sectors if wished. 

Where Annapurna is running over several sites connected to a central CRM system then it is possible to load an address file to coordinate addresses. The accounts are connected by a common CRM account.

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Lens pricelist based on the frame supplied.

 It is now possible to connect a frame to a pricelist and this pricelist is used to price the lens and extras.

This allows for a variation on the package so that if a frame is provided then the lens pricing is changed.

The frame pricelist is held in the additional options that are accessed via the + button and is entered in the form of P1234 for pricelist 1234.

Sunday, 18 October 2020

Using Additional Charges to specify a discount or a total price.

 It is now possible to create additional charges in the commercial / extras under V (voucher) which will allow the order to be assigned a discount or to be set to the total price. This is done by adding a voucher line to the order.

More details are here:Additional Charge Vouchers

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Annapurna Updates march-April 2020

Updates March/April 2020.

Changes to Backup strategy. Now saves a monthly backup and the last 500000 orders.

New option to show different tabs in the customer screen based on user settings.

There is a new customer panel on main menu where operator can view customer details without access to all the commercial updating. This will only be shown if the user does not have access to the commercial panel.

The report links at the top of the customer screen have been moved into a separate tab.

The tracer used is recorded for information.

Lens data.
There is a new family option 'GLAZED' which will restrict the lens selection to glazed orders only ie can't sell as uncut, typically used for sunglass lenses.

It is now possible to set bevel instructions for a job in order entry without going through VCADevice

Job Entry.
There is a new setting not to print entry ticket if a surfacing ticket is printed.

Drafts / Wait.
This is updated to show the frame details so can match up with the frame in user's hand. 

There is a new filter to assist in matching draft to the frame model.

There are updates to handle different macos on right and left

View Job.
Courier tracking number is shown.

Friday, 24 April 2020 decommissioned

Our server was getting old and tired so all the existing sites using this server have been moved over to 

Currently, has been set to forward to but the old server will be retired shortly.

Any links to should be updated to use instead.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Teamviewer Access

If so wished then it is possible to install Teamviewer as a 'host' which will allow permanent access to Hawkstone Design under a password of your choice.

The Hawkstone Design Teamviewer host is

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Backup Strategy

In Annapurna 355, the backup strategy has changed.

The last 500,000 orders are backed up every time. The full backup will back up the last 5,000,000 orders so that should cover all the orders.

Once a month, the backup will be copied to a sub-folder in the designated backup folder.

Note - this is a backup of the Annapurna data and is not intended as a complete backup of the server.

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Customer Updating

Currently, customer data can only be updated by those users who have access to the commercial panel.  There can be users who do need to update customer records but should not have access to the full range to update the commercial data. An example will be for accounts who may need to reset credit limits on an account.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

DX - New Service Centre file

DX have advised that there is a new service centre file.

The new file uses post codes down to the first 4 characters. The current service centre file uses post codes to the first 2 characters.

There is an update in Annapurna 345.9 to handle this and this needs to be deployed by the time this file is to be used.

DX have advised that the implementation of the new service centre file will be delayed because of Covid-19. However Annapurna should still be updated so as to be ready for the new file. The updated Annapurna can handle both the old and the new format of the service centre file.

Friday, 20 March 2020

Using https - extra software needs to be installed

All our software will be switched over to accessing Solenzara via https which is more secure.  The web sites have been https for some time but other software such as VCATracer, Orinoco and Annapurna need to have some additional software to be installed on the local systems before they can access the sites via https. 

The installers for VCATracer and Orinoco will be updated to include this software and for Annapurna there are download links below.  There are two dlls that need to be placed in the Annapurna progs folder.

Annapurna downloads: