Bin number for Send in frames.
This is a simple way to record a location for the frames that are received and are waiting for lenses to arrive.
In Settings / Job Entry / Frame Actions, tick “Ask for Bin on Send In Frames”.
In Order Entry, when the order is placed a question for the frame bin number is asked. This is usually done by having a set of small tags / barcodes with bin numbers on. One of these is taken from the free list of unused tags and entered. This number is then recorded on the order and can be printed on the layout.
The frame is then taken to the area and placed in the appropriate bin with the tag. The frame bin can also be seen in View Order.
When the lenses arrive, the receive program is used to record the lenses which will also show the frame bin.
The frame is matched to the lenses. The tag can then be returned to the free list or placed in the tray. If there is a glazing reject then the tag can be used to return the frame to the bin. In this case when the order is completed then the tag can be returned to the free list.