Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Temporary Credit Release

 It can happen that it is agred that orders can be released for a customer but it is wished to keep the customer credit status as not to allow orders to be passed automatically. In other words, the customer is being monitored.

It is now possible to add a credit float to allow orders up to a certain value to be released. This is over any credit remaining that is available to the customer.  In addition, a credit release date can be set which will allow orders to be processed until the date set.

This update requires the customer table to be updated which only happens if the setting for database update is made in Annapurna settings / customer.

More information is here: Credit Release

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Automatic Upload of DX Manifest

 It is possible to upload the manifest automatically by running Annapurna with MANIFEST run time parameter.  

This can be set in a batch file and the Santiago program can be used to launch the batch file at a specified time.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Business Area

 A new option for reporting and analysis has been added: Business Area,

This is intended for cases where Annapurna is running over different organisations but can be used to identify customers in different business sectors if wished. 

Where Annapurna is running over several sites connected to a central CRM system then it is possible to load an address file to coordinate addresses. The accounts are connected by a common CRM account.

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Lens pricelist based on the frame supplied.

 It is now possible to connect a frame to a pricelist and this pricelist is used to price the lens and extras.

This allows for a variation on the package so that if a frame is provided then the lens pricing is changed.

The frame pricelist is held in the additional options that are accessed via the + button and is entered in the form of P1234 for pricelist 1234.

Sunday, 18 October 2020

Using Additional Charges to specify a discount or a total price.

 It is now possible to create additional charges in the commercial / extras under V (voucher) which will allow the order to be assigned a discount or to be set to the total price. This is done by adding a voucher line to the order.

More details are here:Additional Charge Vouchers