Monday, 14 June 2021

Source Rules - Frame Family

 The source rules that are used for deciding which lens supplier to use have been updated to consider the frame family when the order is for supply lens and frame.

The entry in the source rules is as FAMILY:frame family.

Monday, 7 June 2021

Own Brand frames

 It is now possible to sell a frame under different branding but to have the inventory assigned to a common code.

There needs to be a file called AltInven.csv in the master data folder.  When the latest data is deployed then this is copied to the files folder.

The format of this file is 3 columns:

Column A - F for Frame.

Column B- selling code for the frame model.

Column C - inventory code for the frame model.

For example

F,Pepsi 123,Boring66

This will map any sales of frame model Pepsi 123 to deduct stock of Boring66.

Friday, 4 June 2021

Cascade of alternative lens choices

 When processing orders, it can be useful to have a means to select an alternative lens if the chosen lens is not possible. For example, it a finished lens is chosen but the powers are outside the finished range.  Sometimes there is a cascade of alternatives; Lab stocked finished,  Bought in finished for an extended range, and finally a prescription order.

This can be achieved in Annapurna by using a file called Altlensloop.txt in the files folder.

If this file is present then there is a ‘nucleus’/orbit image in the right hand lens selection area.  If this is clicked then the next in the alternatives is shown, so allowing the operator to move down, trying alternatives until the order is accepted.

If automatic processing of orders is enabled then the Use Alternative on the EDI processing (top right) needs to be ticked and then the alternatives will be applied in turn.  Each pass will move to the next in the alternative list and the current status will be shown in the comments. So an order could have a comment of “Outside Finished Range[ALT1]” where the [ALT1] indicates that this was the result on the first pass. On the next pass, the second choice in the cascade will be tried and so until a match is reached or there are no more alternatives. There is a maximum of 6 alternatives in the cascade.

The format of the Altlenslook.txt is a text file of name value pairs. A line will be like this


Up to 6 choices can be set. A choice can be stated in the form as Lens or Lens+Coat or Lens+Coat+Tint.  If the wish is for Lens and tint without a coat then set this as Lens+None+Tint.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Pre Tinted Finished Lenses

 Annapurna now has a means of using pre-tinted lenses when an order is received for a lens and a tint.

It has been designed so as to be used for more than just pre-tints.

There is a new CSV file in the master data folder called Pretint csv

Column A Lens code sold

Column B Coat code sold

Column C Tint code sold.

Column D: UV code sold

Column E: Action code;

Column F: Lens code to use

Column G: Coat code to use

Column H: Tint code to use

Column I: UV code to use

To convert a Lens code and a tint code sold to a combined code then 

Column A is set to the lens code, Column C is set to the tint code.

Column B and D will be null to indicate no mapping is to take place.

Column F will be the code of the combined lens and tint.

Column E Action code determines where the change is made.

F means that the lens is changed before pricing so the alternative lens is used for pricing and inventory.

O means that the lens is changed after the order has been placed but changed when ordering from the supplier.