Friday, 23 December 2022

Customers in Annapurrna and Solenzara

 In the Annapurna customer record, there is a field for Web Tracking. This defines if tracking is to be sent to Solenzara. 

There is an option in the daily alerts to scan the orders and set this field to Upload to Solenzara if there has been orders received via EDI.


Friday, 16 December 2022

Charging for Freeform

 The method for linking charges for freeform has been updated so it is connected with a specific question.

Information is at: Freeform charging

Friday, 11 November 2022

Report on Override discount

 In the latest version of Annapurna (373.1) any orders that have a manual discount specified will be recorded for reporting.  

There is a new report, number 42, in the other reports area which will inform on the accounts, the discount applied, the reason and the user that entered the discount.

Thursday, 10 November 2022

Rx Cards by design

 It is now possible to have Rx cards by Design.

The layout files for RX card in the layout_files folder need to be copied to RXCard_lensdesign where lensdesign is the design as set in the lenses csv file.

The layout manager can then be used to create a bespoke layout for this design,

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

VCATracer - Transfer to a new PC.


Moving VCAtracer settings and traces to a new PC.

These instructions are for moving the VCATracer settings and traces to another PC.

Saving the Settings, Configuration and Traces.

On the PC, navigate to the “My Documents” folder. In this folder, there is a folder called Solenzara. Copy this folder to a USB memory stick or another location that can be accessed from the new PC.

Restoring the Settings, Configuration and Traces.

On the new PC, install VCATracer via the download from Solenzara. This will create a Solenzara folder in “My Documents”.

Close down VCATracer.

Copy the saved Solenzara folder from the saved location into the “My Documents” folder on the new PC. This will overwrite some of the recently installed contents. This is OK.

Checking the configuration.

Restart the VCATracer software and confirm that the traces are now available. If the tracer is connected via serial then the port number that is being used on the new PC needs to be established and the new port number entered into the VCATracer software. If USB drivers are being used then these need to be installed on the PC.

Multiple Users.

Please note, if there are multiple users configured on the old PC then the Solenzara folder may be in “Public Documents”. If this is the case then amend the instructions above accordingly.

Sunday, 30 October 2022

Layout manager supports text at an angle

 The layout manager in Annapurna has been updated so that it is possible tospecify the angle that the text is to be printed at.

90 means sideways upwards.

180 means upside-down.

270 means sideways downwards.

0 or blank means as normal.

Monday, 24 October 2022

Browser report on Semi-finished

 There is a new option in the browser reports for those Annapurna sites that use Kalahari.

This will show the semi-finished  used for the manufacture of the lenses.

The report is triggered by the information icon which is placed next to the blue folder icon just below the Search button.

In Settings / Browsing / Show Semi-finished Data needs to be ticked for the icon to appear.

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Hawkstone Design Order CSV format

The Hawkstone Design software has been updated to allow CSV files to be passed containing order information.  This does not perform validation but it is sometimes a convenient method for ending orders.

The format is described here:  CSV Format

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Reviewing Semi-finished in Annapurna Browse Orders

 There is a new setting in Annapurna Browser which will show the semi-finished information used on an order.

If this is enabled then an information icon will be shown next to the blue folder that is used to report on the full prescription information on the orders.

Wednesday, 10 August 2022



Sunglass Restrictions.

Some frames have restrictions on the lenses and treatments that are permitted. An example is where Sunglasses are sold with restricted lenses and tints, mirror coatings that match the frame colour.

There is a file Sunglass.txt placed in the masterdata folder to allow these additional restrictions to be specified.

The file is a name / value pair in format


Each frame with a restriction is entered as the code and is given an option list.





This means that Frame123 can only be sold with lenses and treatments assigned to options L01 or C01.

These options are handled in the same way.






The result will be that FRAME123 can be sold with lenses in option L01 (LENS1, LENS2 or LENS3) and treatments in option C01 (BLUEMIR, ROSEMIR).

Monday, 18 July 2022

Annapurna accounts with Direct Delivery requirements

 As this industry evolves post pandemic, there has become an increasing demand for glasses to be sent direct. This is now easier in Annapurna 371.

It is possible to set up some Annapurna customers so that a direct delivery address can be entered. This is done in the customer record; on the options page please tick Direct Delivery Allowed.

When an order is entered then clicking on the Ship to (Lorry) icon will now open a form for the delivery address. The delivery name, address and instructions can be entered here.

Please ote that if the Direct Delivery Allowed is not ticked for  customer then an account is to be selected to act as the delivery address. This is the current process.


The delivery address entered can be picked up in the delivery layout files.

Note there is not currently a link to a courier manifest for such deliveries. These will be added on an as needed basis.

Monday, 6 June 2022

Upload Tracking to Solenzara and Annapurna.

Upload Tracking to Solenzara and Annapurna.

The Upload tracking program has maintained its own list of customers that is used for providing status files on the web. This is because statuses can be uploaded to customers who do not use Solenzara or send orders via web applications.

Annapurna can now manage this list within the customer record. This is turned on by ticking the box to indicate Annapurna to manage in the Upload Tracking program.  If this is not ticked then the software continues to behave as now.

When ‘Managed by Annapurna’ is ticked for the first time then the list of customers in the upload tracking is scanned and the customer record in Annapurna is updated to indicate that this customer is included in the tracking upload.

The Annapurna customer record tracking upload field has three options.

Included- the customer is included.

Excluded – this would be used for internal or customers where alternative arrangements have been agreed such as web service.

Undecided – Annapurna will look to see if there is a Solenzara password and then include in the tracking upload if there is. This is the default option.

When the upload tracking program starts and the managed by Annapurna is ticked then the customer records are scanned to ascertain those customers where tracking is to be uploaded.

Implemented in Annapurna 370 / Uploadtracking 1.59

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Considering Rx when choosing the supplier.

 In Annapurna, the source rules csv file has been extended so that three new columns are used when considering to use the main or the alternative supplier. The new columns are:

K: Minimum Power

L:Maximum Power

M: Maximum Cylinder.

There has to be an entry in all three columns for this test to be made and also an alternative supplier has to be set.

The prescription on the right and left are checked against these values. If the prescription on either eye falls outside this range then the alternative supplier is selected.

This is for the case when the alternative supplier offers a wider range.

Monday, 18 April 2022

Saving Prices on New Products

 There is a new option to allow lenses and treatments that do not have a price recorded to save the price entered when Place Order is pressed as the price saved under price code P0001.  

This will allow products to be priced as they are used.

This is under Settings / Pricing /Save Price on Unpriced items.

Friday, 8 April 2022

Changing the tray for a job.

 Changing the tray for a job was designed to be done via the View Order screen.  When a tray is connected to a job then there are additional files created with the tray number for communication with machines and external systems.  In the View Order screen, these additional files are adjusted accordingly.

It was also possible to go into Amend Order, go to the tray number and change the tray there. This will change the ttray on the order but it will not adjust all the additional files. This can then cause wrong information to be passed to machines and external systems.  

Accordingly, this facility has been disabled so as to force tray changing to be done by the supported method.

Friday, 25 March 2022

Changing the product names for Solenzara


It is now possible to define different names for the Solenzara web catalogue than that used in Annapurna.

Possible reasons for this would be to hide where the lenses are bought from or to unify materials / colours / styles taken from different suppliers.

In “SLZLang” under the lenses tab, there is a link Web Names. Opening this up will show a spreadsheet. If the spreadsheet does not exist then one is created with 4 rows.

Row 1 is the column headers – there are 4 columns used in this file/

Product Area (Lens or Treat)

Column Name (as stated in lenses.csv or treat.csv)

Column Value (the value in the column to be changed)

New Value (the value to be shown in Solenzara).

Row 2 is the titles of the columns in the lenses csv file.

Row 3 is the titles of the columns in the treat csv file.

Row 4 is an example.

This spreadsheet entry will change the Manufacturer for Essilor lenses to be Special on the web.

Column A Lens

Column B Manuf

Column C Essilor

Column D Special

This instructs that in the Lenses csv (Column A), entries in Manuf column (Column B) for Essilor (Column C) are changed to Special (Column D).

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Santiago - days of the week.

 Santiago has been updated so that the activities can be run only on certain days of the week.

Also there is an option to launch the activities as minimised so as to stop screens popping up is Santiago is being used on a workstation.

Friday, 25 February 2022

Catalogue Management

 Changes have been made to the management of different catalogue in the SLZLang program.

The update is to allow which catalogue a lens or a frame is to be included is set in the master data folder. When a  bespoke catalogue is to be deployed then it is cross referenced against the master data to determine if the product is deployed fin the catalogue.

More information is here:

Thursday, 27 January 2022

Allowing a customer in Annapurna to have a specified product discount category.

 Annapurna pricing records contain the price and a discount category. The discount category is applied in the discount matrix to decide on the appropriate discount.

It is possible to create a pricing record with a blank price and a discount category. Annapurna will note the discount category and move to the next price in the sequence of prices to be checked. When a price is found then the saved discount category will be used instead of the discount category in the prices record that is found.

This is useful when prices are increased. Only the master price needs to be increased rather than having to adjust all the individual bespoke price records.

Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Restriction on users selecting department for rejects

 There is now an option to limit the department that a user can use when entering rejects. This is a field in the user configuration.

Wednesday, 19 January 2022

Voucher Processing

 The documentation on the processing of vouchers in Annapurna is here:


Saturday, 15 January 2022

Quick Backup n Annapurna

 In Settings there is now an option to create a quick backup. This also has an option to upload the data to Hawkstone Design.