Monday 6 June 2022

Upload Tracking to Solenzara and Annapurna.

Upload Tracking to Solenzara and Annapurna.

The Upload tracking program has maintained its own list of customers that is used for providing status files on the web. This is because statuses can be uploaded to customers who do not use Solenzara or send orders via web applications.

Annapurna can now manage this list within the customer record. This is turned on by ticking the box to indicate Annapurna to manage in the Upload Tracking program.  If this is not ticked then the software continues to behave as now.

When ‘Managed by Annapurna’ is ticked for the first time then the list of customers in the upload tracking is scanned and the customer record in Annapurna is updated to indicate that this customer is included in the tracking upload.

The Annapurna customer record tracking upload field has three options.

Included- the customer is included.

Excluded – this would be used for internal or customers where alternative arrangements have been agreed such as web service.

Undecided – Annapurna will look to see if there is a Solenzara password and then include in the tracking upload if there is. This is the default option.

When the upload tracking program starts and the managed by Annapurna is ticked then the customer records are scanned to ascertain those customers where tracking is to be uploaded.

Implemented in Annapurna 370 / Uploadtracking 1.59