There is a problem in that too many lenses can clutter up the lens selection lists. To reduce this, a new CSV file has been created and can work with a reduced lenses csv file. The purpose is to select the lens, colour and corridor and from this create a composite code.
A short code is created to describe the lens and then colour and corridor options are added into the extended file.
For example, the short code for the lens is set as
It is available in Clear, Brown and Grey. It is available in 14, 16, 18 corridors.
Theextended.csv file has 4 columns.
Short Code
Short Lens Description
The colours and corridors are colon(:) lists.
So the entry in Extended csv will be
ABCDE,Some Lens name, CLR,BRW,GRY,14:16:18
When a lens is selected then a composite code is created. If CLR and 16 is selected then the composite code is ABCDEFCLR16.
The colour codes are held in the master treats csv file so that a description of the colour is presented in the selection screen. The family for these colours should be set to a special code so the treatment does not appear in the usual operation. The usual family code is SPETINT.