Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Overdue Date and Estimated Despatch Date - more.

Overdue Date and Estimated Despatch Date

When looking at the Annapurna system there are several ways in which a date for an order can be seem.

This should help clarify what can be seem within the system by using different functions. When an order is placed onto the system it is given an entry date. Based on the entry date a target date is calculated to ascertain how long an order should take to be processed. This uses the process timings placed in the 'Targets' section of the 'Settings' menu.

Once an order reaches or surpasses the target date it will be deemed as over due. The information on overdue or delayed orders can be seen in the 'Overdue Job Enquiry' section of 'Status Viewer'. It is possible to run the report for individual customers as well as all orders currently outstanding. This shows information relating to the order. It will include When the order should have left, when it is due to leave and how many days the orders have taken. It will also detail current location of the order and any rejections the order has had.

When viewing an order within 'Browser Orders' an estimated despatch date can be displayed by populating the 'Show Est' box. This date is based on how many processes the order has remaining and is calculated when the order is looked up in the browser menu. (This figure is not stored within any tables).If you have searched for these items prior to populating the 'Show Est' box please click on the search box again. This date will change as the order progresses through system, if the order becomes delayed, has a reject or moves quicker than anticipated. The 'Est' helps when giving the customer information on how long an order will take to arrive and allows for a quicker response when speaking to the customer. Removes the need to guestimate how long an order will take. This is not a substitute for looking at the detail of the orders. This holds more information about what has been happening with the order than simply looking the list on the screen.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Report 9: Audit WIP

Sometimes there is a need to have a list of all the jobs in and out on a particular day with the value.  This report does this. A date is entered and all the WIP jobs are shown along with the jobs entered on the day.  The report shows for each job whether it is sent or remains in WIP. This means that the report also shows the change in the WIP as well as In  / Out totals.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Report 7: Performance Report

A new report was recently added to show performance.

The performance is measured in two ways, against target and in elapsed days. A date range is provided and the report shows the performance by individual customer and an overall total. By comparing date ranges, it is possible to get an average which then can be used to benchmark individual days.

The target date is calculated at order entry and is based on the values entered in the main menu > Setting Panel.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Returns Report

This has been extended to allow returns by customer to be analysed.

Report 8 - Sales by Order Type / Product Category

There is a new report on the reports menu which for an entered date will show a grid showing the sales value for each combination of Order Type (Uncut, Glazed Send in, Glazed Supply Frame, Cut Edge Fit, Remote Edge, Wholesale) and Product Category (Lens, Treatments, Extra, Glazing, Frame, Others). It will also show the total for each Order type and each Product Category.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Kalahari and two pencils

When using Kalahari (our lens calculation program which can be embedded within Annapurna) then there is the facility to click on the pencil to modify the semi-finished database as a calculation is being made. However, this had some limitations so this feature has been extended.

When the pencil is clicked then you can now choose to save for this job only ie the database is not modified.

And for the circumstances where the right and left differ eg different sags are measured then there is now a pencil for the right eye and a pencil for the left eye which only updates the left eye record.

The overall effect means that you can make a calculation for a semi-finished that is not in the database by entering the parameters as job calculation.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Discontinued Lenses

There is now a new tick box in the lenses data screen  D/C.

If this is ticked then the lens is marked as discontinued and new orders cannot be placed for this lens but it remains valid for showing in reports.  Setting this tick box will automatically unset the other tick boxes for modules where the lens can be used and unsetting it will automatically set the tick boxes for the other modules.

For those who like to update the data directly in the Excel(CSV) file then this is represented by an entry of D in the column.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Highlighting a reject on a job

A recent update. 
In the comments, if a job has a reject then it is shown in red in order to show quickly the reason why the job is delayed.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Showing Postage as a separate item on Delivery Notes

Annapurna will include postage as just another line in  the pricing for the order.  However, some labs like to show postage separately.  In order to do this there is a setting to be made and some new tags for the layout.

Despatch / Print Delivery Note / Setting / Delivery / Show Delivery charge on its own

Layout tags
Click on get latest and then you can access
Totalnettlesspost  -  Total nett sales without postage value
Totalpost  -  Postage value
along with Totalnett which is the total nett sales value.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Additional Glazing Types

Additional Glazing Types.
Frames are being sold which have different glazing types with different costs. Now, we do not want to go down the route having to create a multitude of different glazing types and then to communicate those glazing types to machinery and to suppliers.

The solution is therefore to associate additional glazing types and link it to one of the standard glazing types.

A glazing charge is created as usual but also in the settings editor  under Glazing there are now settings for entering codes linked to each of the standard frame types. Multiple codes are entered with a pipe | separator.

These additional glazing types are included in the list of glazing types shown in  the Annapurna add order screen but any specific edge substance is taken from the connected standard edge and the standard edge type is passed to the glazing machines and to the suppliers.