To configure this, there is a setting Browser / Chasing(My Jobs).
This needs to be ticked first.
Only certain operators are configured to use my jobs. In the user settings then this is also a tick box. At the bottom - Launch Chasing.
Adding to Watched list.
When the operator logs in and the operator is configured for chasing then in view jobs there is a new link on the left hand side - Add to Watch list. Clicking this adds the job to the watched list. A reason for adding needs to be entered and this is recorded in the comments for the job.
Viewing Watched list.
When the operator logs in then after one minute a second copy of Annapurna is launched which will show the watched list.
The watched list shows the jobs that are assigned to an operator. It is possible to look at other operators jobs by ticking the operator name at the top.
A job can be clicked on and comments can be added. The job can also be reassigned to another operator.