Thursday, 31 July 2014

Job Chasing

There is a new facility in Annapurna to assist with Job Chasing. Operators can identify jobs as watched. This puts the job into a special status and the operator can then get pop-up on the status of their watched jobs.

To configure this, there is a setting  Browser / Chasing(My Jobs).

This needs to be ticked first.

Only certain operators are configured to use my jobs.  In the user settings then this is also a tick box. At the bottom - Launch Chasing.

Adding to Watched list.
When the operator logs in and the operator is configured for chasing then in view jobs there is a new link on the left hand side - Add to Watch list.  Clicking this adds the job to the watched list. A reason for adding needs to be entered and this is recorded in the comments for the job.

Viewing Watched list.
When the operator logs in then after one minute a second copy of Annapurna is launched which will show the watched list. 

The watched list shows the jobs that are assigned to an operator. It is possible to look at other operators jobs by ticking the operator name at the top.

The jobs in the watched list are checked every 5 minutes and if a job has changed status then it is added to a list of updated jobs which pops up. When the updated list is acknowledged then the updated list drops back.

A job can be clicked on and comments can be added.  The job can also be reassigned to another operator.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Maximum Price and Maximum Quantity.

These fields have a maximum value of 999. This is so that orders are not accidentally created for unrealistic values.  However, these limits can be reset by a setting in Settings / Pricing.

It is recommended that the settings are kept for a low value and increased for putting through an exceptional item.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Browser Job Number - can search on multiple jobs

This field now supports wild card so you can put in 123* and all the jobs starting with 123 are shown.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

DX Interface

Annapurna now has an interface to DX.  

Instructions on this are here: courier.pdf

There will be a further update to follow so as to allow courier shipments for specified customers on certain dates only. 

Version 2.68

Monday, 14 July 2014

External Browser - Microsoft IE Update

Microsoft recently released an update to IE11 which seems to have caused some problems with the inbuilt web browser in our software. 
However, there is an option in the tracer upload program (vcatracer) and order grabber (raptor) to use an external browser, that is the web browser that is the default browser on the PC.  

Instructions on how to set this up are here: browser option.pdf

If the PC is prevented from making internet access by having the web browser disabled then the inbuilt browser has to be used.