Finished lenses may not have sufficient edge thickness for supra lenses or it could be that a larger diameter finished lens does have the sufficient edge thickness when cut down to the shape.
Currently, finished lenses are not accepted by a simple power check for example to exclude all plus powered lenses.
Annapurna has now been developed to have an additional setting - Intelligent Assessment. The software will estimate the thickness of the finished lens to the diameter. The software will also estimate the thickness of the required lens as shown via the estimate button. If the finished lens diameter is less than the required thickness or exceeds the required thickness by a value then the finished lens is rejected. If there are larger diameters then these are considered in turn.
The value for exceeding the required thickness is also made in the settings - see
Pricing - Surfaced Prices - Supra/Rimless Limits - Intelligent Assessment
This process does depend on having the correct figure for the finished stock lenses. Annapurna will guess this by calculating the thickness of a lens with the largest power over the necessary diameter but this does depend on a guess on the edge thickness of the finished lens.
It is recommended that this setting is turned on and reviewed against real jobs.
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